Joint conference ‘Improving sustainability and welfare in organic poultry and pig production’ on 25-26.01.2021

Interested in feed sustainability and animal welfare? Register now for the online conference ‘Improving sustainability and welfare in organic poultry and pig production’, taking place on the 25th and 26th of January 2021!

Organic farming leads the way in sustainability and animal welfare and is ready to improve even more. Four research projects, OK-Net EcoFeed, PPILOW, Freebirdsand POWER, are ready to contribute to this. They will share the latest solutions such as ration-planning tools, sustainable and regional feed sources for pigs and poultry, welfare self-assessment tools and the Organic Farm Knowledge platform. Several farmers will testify on their efforts to improve animal welfare. Finally, we will host a policy debate with policy makers, and organic farming and animal welfare associations.

Check out the programme and register here.

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