

Newsletter March 2021
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27 okt. 2020
FLIN header

New insights at Farmer Led Innovation webinar

Recently, the Farmer Led Innovation Network (FLIN) and EURAKNOS, the “sister project” of EUREKA, hosted a webinar on Farmer Led Innovation, facilitated by Dr Lisa Williams van Dijk. FLIN is a group of organisations in the UK who advocate funding for farmer led research, development and innovation. 40 persons attended, ranging from researchers, industry representatives, journalists, facilitators, advisors, welfare organisations, farmers, vets and environmentalists, to project managers who joined the workshop from across Europe and even Australia.

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11 maj 2022

Building a knowledge platform with end-users in mind

Personas and user-journeys are fictional representations of specific groups of end-users which have been created through user research using both qualitative and quantitative data. They allowed the EUREKA design team to structure the needs of different types of users of the EU FarmBook and design a more user-friendly platform

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