EUREKA Kick-off meeting

The EUREKA Project kick-off meeting took place in Brugge, Belgium in late January 2020. The scope of the meeting was to plan the work ahead and getting the process of mapping the multi-actor projects and building mulit-actor communities started.

The main purpose of the meeting was to present and clarify each work package in the EUREKA project – for all partners to have a clear and common understanding of the project at tasks level and their specific role in EUREKA.

Further the meeting was a great opportunity for project partners to get to know each other in person - but also to gain from the experiences in the EURAKNOS project for instance about “how to prepare and make surveys, how to do interviews and how to best organise workshops”. EURAKNOS is the slightly older sister to EUREKA and has already been working for 18 months with 29 existing Thematic Networks. 48 EURAKNOS/EUREKA partners was gathered in Bruges 27th - 29th of January 2020 and the combination of presentations, workshops, funny exercises and time for discussions made the meeting very successful. Next meeting in the EUREKA consortium will take place online in late August, where progress and lessons learned in the different sections of the project will be shared among the project partners.

This video gives a short presentation of the EUREKA project:

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