Keep it in the family

EUREKA is one of a growing ‘family’ of Horizon 2020 multi-actor projects that aim to improve and strengthen the creation, exchange and practical use of agriculture and forestry-related knowledge at European, national and regional level. These family connections do not get any closer or stronger than the unique relationship that exists between EUREKA and EURAKNOS. These two sister projects are both led by the University of Gent with largely the same consortium partners. Together they are exploring the feasibility of constructing an EU-wide open source knowledge platform that will intensify knowledge exchange between H2020 multi-actor projects and the farmers and foresters that can make practical use of their outcomes. The key difference between the two sister projects is the type of H2020 multi-actor project they are focusing upon.

The slightly older sister, EURAKNOS, has already been working for 18 months with 29 existing Thematic Networks (TNs) in order to co-design the blueprint for a data system that can make the knowledge and best practices in TNs more accessible and useable for agricultural, forestry and other rural businesses. A ‘Thematic Network Explorers’ Guide’ has also recently been prepared. It’s full of tips and tricks for setting up and running a successful TN and there’s a great little teaser video here.

The younger sister, EUREKA, is more ambitious and aims to build on the experience of EURAKNOS by working in close consultation with all multi-actor projects (MAPs) - around 120 of them! – in order to create the 'FarmBook'. This will be the first ever functional version of an open source e-platform designed specifically for collecting and sharing the many different types of user material generated by the Horizon 2020 multi-actor approach.

Excited by this ambitious step towards the “knowledge intensive” future of European farming and forestry? Then stay in touch and help to test and optimise the ‘FarmBook’. Training will be available.

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11 mei 2022

Building a knowledge platform with end-users in mind

Personas and user-journeys are fictional representations of specific groups of end-users which have been created through user research using both qualitative and quantitative data. They allowed the EUREKA design team to structure the needs of different types of users of the EU FarmBook and design a more user-friendly platform

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