EU FarmBook

Below you can find all relevant material and information related to the EU FarmBook.

The EU FarmBook is the result of two EU-funded Horizon 2020 “sister” projects, EURAKNOS and EUREKA, which have brought together diverse partners from 28 organizations across 16 countries to work together using a multi-actor approach. Check out this short video to learn more.

Introduction to the EU FarmBook

Learn more about the EU FarmBook - see this video on YouTube

User upload manual for the EU FarmBook (PDF)

A user upload manual for adding digital ‘knowledge objects’ to the online platform

How to upload 'knowledge objects' in the (pilot) EU FarmBook

This video provides step-by-step guidance to the uploading of 'knowledge objects' to the (pilot) EU FarmBook.

The EU FarmBook was made a reality” Tuesday, March 29!

The final outreach event of EUREKA took place Tuesday, March 29 online. Participants learned about the EUREKA project and tested out the functionality of the EU FarmBook.


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