EUREKA is an EU-funded action that aims to help ensure the longer-term and wider use by farmers, foresters and other rural businesses of the practical knowledge and innovative solutions that are generated by Horizon 2020 multi-actor projects.

EUREKA is the sister project of EURAKNOS.

We are exploring the feasibility of building an open data knowledge reservoir by:


We are analyzing the supply of knowledge from multi-actor projects, as well as the profile of the users of this knowledge, to make recommendations for the better sharing of Horizon 2020 research outputs.


We are actively engaging with the multi-actor project community to select the most relevant and high impact knowledge and innovation for meeting the practical needs of farmers, foresters and other rural businesses.


We are building a FarmBook to present this knowledge and innovation in an accessible, easily searchable and open source e-platform that is available long-term to a broad range of relevant users.

A European Knowledge Repository for Best Agricultural Practices

  • 21 Partners
  • 15 Countries
  • 4 EU Macro-regions
Tn Map Europe

EUREKA'S concept & methodology

Euraknos concept visual Euraknos concept visual


11 máj. 2022

Building a knowledge platform with end-users in mind

Personas and user-journeys are fictional representations of specific groups of end-users which have been created through user research using both qualitative and quantitative data. They allowed the EUREKA design team to structure the needs of different types of users of the EU FarmBook and design a more user-friendly platform

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A little taste of things to come....

Learn more about EUREKA


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  • Since 2014, the EU has invested in a large number of agricultural research, innovation, coordination and support actions to improve knowledge flows in the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKISs)...this action aims at improving knowledge flows in the long-term by proposing ways to structure and connect agricultural knowledge created through EU-funded and other projects with a view to maximize their impact beyond the end of the projects themselves

    - European Commission
  • EUREKA builds upon experience gained in the EURAKNOS project and approximately 50% of the partners in EUREKA also participated in EURAKNOS. We therefore anticipate great complementarity and synergy between the two projects!

    - Prof. Pieter Spanoghe, Project Coordinator
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Our partners

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