What we do

EUREKA is one of a growing ‘family’ of EU-funded projects that aim to strengthen and improve the flow of agricultural and rural-related knowledge and innovation at European, national and regional level.

EUREKA is developing the 'FarmBook' - a single open source e-platform for collecting and sharing the many different types of end-user material produced by Horizon 2020 multi-actor projects.

What we did

EUREKA was one of a growing ‘family’ of EU-funded projects that has aimed to strengthen and improve the flow of agricultural and rural-related knowledge and innovation at European, national and regional level. A prototype of the first EU-level “online knowledge reservoir” of its kind was developed in the previous EU Horizon 2020 project EURAKNOS, which focused on Thematic Networks.

During two years, the follow-up project EUREKA has refined and evolved the platform into a first working version of the so-called EU FarmBook. The 'EU FarmBook' is a single open source e-platform for collecting and sharing the many different types of end-user material produced by Horizon 2020 multi-actor projects. The EU FarmBook “version 1.0” was released in January 2022 for testing with a broad range of users across the EU. A few similar platforms already exist at national level, and it is intended that the EU FarmBook will eventually connect with them, as well as others known to be under development.

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Digital farmer web

How we do it

EUREKA brings together a diverse partnership of experts from 21 organisations in 15 countries to analyse the supply of - and demand for – the practical knowledge and innovative solutions generated in the 120 multi-actor projects that have been funded to-date under the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Working in close consultation with potential end-users, EUREKA will construct and optimize an open source e-platform (the FarmBook) before actively promoting it to the multi-actor project community. Training in the use of the FarmBook will also be provided.

EUREKA builds on the experience gained in the EURAKNOS project which is aiming to optimize the flow of knowledge from one very specific form of multi-actor project, the so-called Thematic Networks.

Our main objectives

  • To co-create a stronger EU wide agricultural knowledge base on the multi-actor approach
  • To reinforce an active and engaged multi-actor project community
  • To select and make accessible the most relevant and high impact agricultural multi-actor project knowledge for the rural and scientific community via an easily searchable and open-source database called the FarmBook
  • Ensure the longevity and better sharing of multi-actoruser material and research outputs to enhance wider, long-term use across all sectors
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Our project structure

The EUREKA project consists of six work packages (WP) each with their own responsibilities and areas of expertise:

WP 1: Multi-actor knowledge mapping and co-creating multi-actor best practices
WP 2: Get to know the Farmbook user
WP 3: Knowledge selection and Farmbook blueprint development
WP 4: Build the Farmbook and optimize with users
WP 5: Develop an active multi-actor community to promote and use Farmbook
WP 6: Project coordination and management

Project period
01.01 2020 - 31.12 2021

Total project budget
2,5 m €


Our partners

Get in touch

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