What we did
EUREKA was one of a growing ‘family’ of EU-funded projects that has aimed to strengthen and improve the flow of agricultural and rural-related knowledge and innovation at European, national and regional level. A prototype of the first EU-level “online knowledge reservoir” of its kind was developed in the previous EU Horizon 2020 project EURAKNOS, which focused on Thematic Networks.
During two years, the follow-up project EUREKA has refined and evolved the platform into a first working version of the so-called EU FarmBook. The 'EU FarmBook' is a single open source e-platform for collecting and sharing the many different types of end-user material produced by Horizon 2020 multi-actor projects. The EU FarmBook “version 1.0” was released in January 2022 for testing with a broad range of users across the EU. A few similar platforms already exist at national level, and it is intended that the EU FarmBook will eventually connect with them, as well as others known to be under development.